
Mall Mauling (A Thing of the Past)

Yesterday I spent 7 hours in a mall.
I did do a bit of 'shopping' but that was a 20-30 minute affair...tops
I spent 7 hours in a mall, indulged in my own portable music selections and just walking around.
I tried to pretend that I was wandering about in a city, a city with impeccable weather I may add. A little exercise in suspension of disbelief...though I can't claim that it worked, it was enjoyable nonetheless, mildly enjoyable perhaps. I observed people, saw a few familiar faces and passed out a salutation or two.
For the longest time I loathed malls, however I always succumbed to the fact that there was little else to do and reluctantly found myself standing inside these mammoth structures wearing a sedated frown. Yesterday though it dawned on me, the best way about it is to live and work in a mall...preferbly a obscenely large one. Since as how all these malls are pretty much self-sufficient, there would be no reason to leave - a city within a city. One that is pedestrian friendly...I can live with that.


nbr5 said...

exactly. in fact, come to think about it, if my apartment had self-sufficiency, I would never leave it. Literally.

(I mean by self sufficiency having a pool, a treadmill, a billiards table, broadband, cable, and a web card to order stuff, and having them delivered to my doorstep, very adjacent to the door so I wouldn't even need to step outside one bit.)

Josette ZOoz Khalil said...

hos, baby, come back home. beirut awaits with open arms. u r not made for impeccable weathers but for insanely humid ones like beirut. malls are only an ilusion, they r mirages in a desert; u'll only wake up thirsty and lost afterwards.

jips, u forgot to add that u don't have an abou hassan branch in ur apt. and that alone, my friend, is a legitimate pretext for a walk in hamra.

Oji said...
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nbr5 said...

you can blow another bubble hos. easily.

And zooz, I see your point.
solution: I will add a phone line to my apt. so I could always order from abou hassan and have it delivered to the comfort of my own place.

I know I know.. you will say the experience of being there and stuff, but that's already a good compromise. no?