
Dear Steven

Look, I have forgiven you for ruining Philip K. Dick's story and for all your horrible film endings.
I enjoyed your dinosaurs, aliens and sharks. Believe it or not, I even enjoyed Schindler's List.

But your latest donation...
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for relief funds, but you've gotten involved now...
I can no longer justify watching the 'Hollywood diarrhea' known as your films,
I think I'll be on the look-out for a prominent Venezuelan filmmaker to replace you.


nbr5 said...

u shud've seen this coming.
shindler's list man... hellooo???

Josette ZOoz Khalil said...

i told u! i told u!
i've been telling u this for years... admit it... admit i was right!
how many times have i told u this. u waited for the fuckin war to rampage, for our bloody country to turn into shambles, til u changed ur mind! ya 3aneed!

Oji said...

Zooz...i didn't expect you (of all people) to slap me with an "i told you so"...but when ur right, ur right.