
The Selling of Shepherds to Sheep by Sheep

I don't mean to kill the mood or to crash any one's party (parties), but I'd like to reflect on the problem. Yes the problem, we all know there is one though many fail to agree on what it is. This is by no means a solution, but it occurred to me that the problem is not unity nor is it separation. The problem is not missiles or clusters, or tribunals or tears. The problem is not zeal nor is it apathy. The problem is not bodies, its not buildings, it's not promises, it's not lies. It's not blue, it's not orange, it's red, yellow,green or black. The problem is not religion, it's not economy and we can all agree it is most definitely not politics.

The problem is simply delusions of grandeur.
You see good salespeople would convince you that you need to buy their product. They'll
convince you that you are better off with it, that it will be to your benefit and that's what makes them good. Delusional salespeople would eventually tell you to fuck off; they are gonna keep the product for themselves because that's what makes them better than you.
Delusions of grandeur.

Act One
Sheep A: On a good day, I'd beat that wolf.
Sheep B: Yeah, you can beat that wolf.
Sheep A: On a good day.
Sheep B: Not a good day today is it?
Sheep A: Not a good day.
Sheep B: So is this...a bad day?
Sheep A: Wouldn't it have to be?
Sheep B: I don't think so.
Sheep A: So you are saying the day could be neither good nor bad?
Sheep B: Is that what I'm saying?
Sheep A: If that's what your saying, then I think you are brilliant?
Sheep B: That's what I'm saying.
Sheep A: I think you are brilliant.
Sheep B: I am brilliant then.

Act Two
Sheep A: That sheep over there is brilliant.
Sheep C: Is he?
Sheep A: He is.
Sheep C: How come?
Sheep A: He is enlightened.
Sheep C: Enlightened?
Sheep A: Enlightened...and brilliant.
Sheep C: Is that so?
Sheep A: Of course that is so.
Sheep C: How can I be sure?
Sheep A: Why don't you think he's brilliant?
Sheep C: I don't not think he's brilliant.
Sheep A: So you think he's brilliant?
Sheep C: That makes sense.
Sheep A: Of course it does, because he is.

Act Three
Sheep D: I hear you're brilliant.
Sheep B: On a good day I can be.
Sheep D: Well they say you are brilliant.
Sheep B: If you say I am then I must be.
Sheep D: Do I think you are brilliant?
Sheep B: Do you think the others are liars?
Sheep D: No.
Sheep B: They think I am brilliant.
Sheep D: You must be brilliant then.
Sheep B: If you say I am then I must be.
Sheep D: Then today must be a good day.
Sheep B: If I am brilliant then it must be.
Sheep D: Today is a good day.
Sheep B: It is.

Act Four
Sheep D: Today is a good day.
Sheep C: It is?
Sheep D: He said it is.
Sheep A: He is brilliant.
Sheep C: Today must be a good day.
Sheep A: It must be.
Sheep D: Today is a good day.
Sheep A: I can beat that wolf.
Sheep C: You can?
Sheep A: On a good day I can.
Sheep D: Today is a good day.
Sheep A: I can beat that wolf.
Sheep C: Yeah, you can beat that wolf.
Sheep A: I'm going to beat that wolf.
Sheep C: Go beat that wolf!
Sheep D: I'll help.


Josette ZOoz Khalil said...

la raison suffisante, candide, voltaire. heard of any? very similar, but "The Selling of Shepherds to Sheep by Sheep" is definitely funnier.

ZOoz: oji u r brilliant.
Oji: on a good day i am.
ZOoz: oh no Oji, u r brilliant all the time. now come back.

Rasha said...
